Technology has utterly transformed our lives. But the changes which have already taken place may be nothing compared to those to come.
In TheFutureZone Michael Le Page looks at some of the developments in science and technology which could have a dramatic impact on our lives in the future.
Getting rid of cars would improve our lives dramatically. But what could take their place?
Picnic at the Pyramids, stroll on the Moon and dine at Maxines - just an average day.
Advances in medical science in the last thirty years have made it possible to replace half of the human body. This is only the beginning.
Do you want to live forever?
The links embedded within the main text take you to the notes at the end of each page. The note headers take you back to where you were.
I studied molecular biology at university, hence the biological bias you'll find in these pages. Since graduating, the high point of my working life has to be that job cleaning hospital floors.
Besides sitting around thinking about what the future holds, I try to do what I can to make it better - I do a lot of work for Oxfam and Friends of the Earth.
Right now my personal future involves regular trips to the dole office. So if you like these pages and can offer me any work, please get in touch.
I really enjoyed putting these pages together (amazing what you can do on a Mac!) and hope they keep you amused. You can email me with any comments or criticisms.